Forever Living je najveći svjetski uzgajivač i prerađivač aloe vere i proizvoda na bazi ove biljke. Naši proizvodi sa aloja verom su prvi koji su dobili sertifkat od strane Međunarodnog naučnog savjeta za aloju (Inter- national Aloe Science Council Seal of Approval) za sastav i čistoću. Proizvodi poseduju i Košer, Halal i islamske sertifkate kvaliteta. Ovi proizvodi nisu testirani na životinjama.

+387 61 529 193



Smoothie branding/ made with real fruits

Make the ultimate portfolio and easily add it anywhere with the portfolio list shortcode. Pick one of the carefully designed portfolio layouts and choose a hover animation. Design your portfolio to fit your needs perfectly. Set precisely how many items you would like to display, choose which portfolio items should be shown, enable a category filter, set a desired number of columns – portfolio lists are intuitive and easy to control. Add social share functionality to your portfolios with a single click in the Elated options.  You have the option to either set your portfolio single items to one of the predefined templates, or set one of the custom templates and create your single portfolio items.

Sanja Marić Hota

Sanja Marić Hota

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